Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Love Smelling Like a Baby

I guess my biological clock is ticking and I can hear it louder these days. I am 28 years old and I find myself thinking about babies lately. I giggle over to the baby clothes while I'm in Target (especially since there are Easter dresses out right now) and I just coo with glee. My husband rolls his eyes and smiles at me, because he and I have agreed that we will not plan on having babies for at least 5 years. I have been trying to shorten that number somewhat as the years go by though.

While I was in Target, I stopped by the baby washes and lotions. Johnson's has this Vanilla Oatmeal Baby Wash and the lotion to match that I just had to have. I love it! My skin feels so soft and the oatmeal has calmed my skin's dryness problems. I love smelling like a baby too. The vanilla is soft and subtle, but my husband loves it too. I even bought baby shampoo! Don't laugh, because it has helped my sensitive dry scalp too. I am just a big baby, I guess. Well if I cannot have a baby yet, then I will just pamper myself pampers needed though lol.

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1 comment:

Julie Cottrell Photography said...

ooh i haven't tried the vanilla kind. i'll have to buy it next, i love all things vanilla.