Thursday, December 3, 2009

Changing My Name Adventures and My Holiday Wish

I did not realize how crazy it would be to change my name to my new married name. I now know where the social security office, the DMV, and the tax collectors office are located. Luckily the whole process has not been too painful, but I still have to change my name on some bills. I am still waiting for my new credit cards and debit card to come in with my new name on all of them. It has been difficult since my license now has my new name on it and all of my credit cards have my maiden name. Not a great time for this difficulty since it is Christmas time! It will slowly but surely all work out eventually... I hope LOL.

C and I have some new friends who come to visit us everyday. They are two stray kitties who are so sweet and playful. We named one, Jack, and the other, Buttons. They are brothers and are loved by the whole condo community. Everyone feeds them, but they like to come and peek into our window to see us. My holiday wish is that someone will adopt them. I have called the Humane Society to see what our options were to help the poor kitties, but they told me the only place who guarantees adoption process is full right now. I'll just have to keep calling and checking for an opening. C and I love animals and hate to see animals in need, so we have been taking care of them as best we can. I pray someone finds them and welcomes them home.Leonidas looking out at Buttons and Jack (our stray kitty friends).

1 comment:

Ryan Towe said...

Love the composition of the photo! I can say I met all four of the cats now, which makes my face smile.