Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Snorkeling in Cozumel

We are back from our blissful honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico. We had such a great time and I am happy to be back home with our kitties, but I already miss the never ending cocktails with umbrellas and free room service! Why isn't normal life like that? I guess it could be possible if you were a wealthy person, but no matter, I felt so blessed to have the experience. I felt like a wealthy woman lying on a hammock with my handsome husband as we watched the sunset; that is the kind of wealth I want for my life.
The picture above is of C and I snorkeling in Cozumel. We got to see some barracudas and huge snapper. It was one of our many adventures in Mexico. Did I mention we had a good time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you went on honeymoon, sounds fantastic and blissful!!

Happy Thanksgiving!