Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm on a mission... I think

Today is almost over, but my mission is to tidy up our small apartment. It will not take me that long to accomplish my goal, but I keep procrastinating getting starting for some reason. I have checked my email three times and I have been looking on EBAY... anything except starting my mission to clean up the place. Why is it so hard to do what one knows needs to be done sometimes? I think I have a control issue, because as a kid my mother used to make us do our chores before we could go out and play. Now that I am older, I rather play first before doing chores and I love to eat dessert first before dinner. LOL Ironic how I feel more like a child now than I did when I actually was one. Well I am off to Target to buy a new mop to succeed at my mission... or I could just be procrastinating again, but nonetheless I have a goal and that always helps success!

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