Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Trip to Heaven...almost

Last night, my sleep was filled with some crazy dreams and one in particular that I will probably never forget. Like many dreams, I remember bits a pieces that were all scrambled and confusing, however, what I do remember very clearly was an unbelievably gorgeous man visiting me in the middle of the night. And yes, I do realize that I am getting married in less than two months, so why am I dreaming about a gorgeous man who I have never seen before? Well, the dream gets better: the unknown, gorgeous man wakes me up and offers his hand to me. I look over my shoulder in bed to see if C-man is seeing this because it felt so real, but C-man was nowhere to be found.

The gorgeous man smiles at me still offering his hand. I reach up and put my hand in his and he immediately pulls me out of bed up into his arms, cradling me like a child. This man was like a Greek God. He was ripped with muscles and he was very tall. I cannot explain exactly how amazing this man looked, but it gives me goose bumps just thinking about the experience. I felt like he was real. It was one of those dreams that felt so real, I remember every piece of it. He finally spoke: "Do you know who I am?", he asked. His voice was the most pleasant sound to my ears. It was a deep yet smooth voice. Clearing my throat I said, "Um, no I don't, sir." I'm thinking to myself, did I just call this gorgeous creature sir? Like he was some boring history professor or someone ordinary.

I was acting so nervous and the gorgeous man acted so calm as he carried me through the dark house in the middle of the night. He opened the front door of the house still holding me tightly in his arms and I asked where he was taking me. He said, "To heaven." I immediately said, "Why?" He laughed and said, "I have never received that reaction before." I remember trying to figure all of this out because it felt so real. I could see him better now that the bright moon shined down on him. I looked at him studying his face. I asked him, "Is this real? Have a died or something?" He looked at me with these unbelievably amazing eyes and said, "No, you haven't died, silly girl." Silly girl, I thought? Why would he call me silly girl? He acted like he knew me or something.

"Do you know me?", I asked. "Yes.", he said with no hesitation. He gently swept my cheek with his hand and smiled. I almost melted, thinking this has to be a freaking dream. I started to say in my head over and over, "Wake up, Meredith! Wake up." Then Mr. gorgeous said, "Why would you want to wake up now? I want you to see where we are going first." I was puzzled because he must have read my mind to know that I wanted to wake up. Then I thought he must think I am an idiot. My mind was racing and all of a sudden he bent down and leaped into the air.

"We have to hurry if we are going to make it.", he said. I remember wanting to scream, but then something came over me like it was totally normal for me to be hurdling through the air in my pajamas with a strange yet gorgeous man. We were flying! "Don't look down.", he said. The wind was blowing my hair and my face, but I tightly held onto him and I could not help but smile in excitement. I thought to myself this is one awesome dream! Then he looked down at me and said, "Are you sure it is a dream?" I felt like I then made a funny face like a kid being caught doing something wrong. He laughed and looked back up toward the dark sky.

I then noticed that he had these huge white wings like Pegasus, but he was wearing a white t-shirt and what looked like a pair of Gap jeans. I swear this dream was the most real and strange that I have ever had. I was flying to Heaven with a Greek God-looking angel who dressed like James Dean and had huge, beautiful wings. I was trying to make sense of what was happening as the sun was just starting to come up from the horizon. The clouds were thick white and bright colors started spilling out behind them like someone was painting a sunrise right in front of my eyes. I started to ask him what his name was when he told me to close my eyes. I hesitantly obeyed him and I was so excited to see what happened next. Then I heard this weird sound... It was like a funny digital horn sound.

Then I opened my eyes to see C-man turning off his alarm saying good morning to me. "What the F?", I said. C-man said, "Excuse me?" I'm sure C-man didn't know what I was talking about or why I acted so peculiar, but I just had to get back to sleep to see what happened next. I quickly turned over, closed my eyes and tried to get back to my angel. Alas, I could not get back to sleep much less find out what Heaven looks like. It kills me about how real that dream was though. Could a man that beautiful exist? Could that dream be real? I like to think so, because if it is real than I have a kick-ass, amazing looking angel watching over me! Woo-hoo!

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