Sunday, August 30, 2009

Official Wedding Plans

The arch I am planning to have for the ceremony. image credit:

Well I and C-Man have been a busy bees making official wedding plans. We have been signing contracts and making verbal agreements these past two weeks. I am so relieved that the wheels for the party have started rolling!

We have decided to have our wedding at The Hilton Garden Inn, Pensacola Gulf Front. We are going to have a lovely wedding ceremony on a secluded beach 3 miles from the hotel at 10:30am. Then return to the hotel by Trolley (see picture below) for a Sunday brunch at the Hilton's H20 Grill. We will have a saxophone player to entertain us while we drink our Mimosas and Bloody Marys. I am meeting with a wedding coordinator tomorrow to tie up the last arrangements. Whew! Thank the Lord, I am almost done planning!

The Trolley that will take us to and from the wedding ceremony. So cute isn't it? image credit:
I must say that C-Man has helped me tremendously. He was the one who thought of brunch and how that could be original. He also wanted to start the celebrating early so we could continue all day! I just hope we will have the wedding of our dreams and that our family/ friends will have fun with us.

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