It has been awhile since I have cranked open Dragon Breath Cafe. Since the New Year began, I have been piecing my life back together. Moving is exciting but can be so tough and stressful. I have been spending more time, the last few weeks, connecting to the things that bring light into my soul and lift me up.

For example, I was watching
Oprah the other day and it was so inspirational to me that within a few moments of listening, the negative energy I had been carrying around with me evaporated in front of my eyes. It was a wake up call from my higher power. The episode was about being connected to ones spiritual self. What I so loved about the episode and what had hit me the hardest with such a positive effect, was what a renowned author and PH.D had stated on the show (forgive me I cannot remember her name but the episode aired on 1/14/2009).

She said so simply, that one cannot lead a life full of negative judgements and ideals. Instead of saying, "What am I not
getting, say to yourself what am I not
giving?" She said do not look at people with negative judgments. Instead, try to find the good in everyone and help people feel better about themselves. Hope and wish everyone well. Do not envy the people that you think have what you want. Instead, wish them well and hope prosperous things continue to bless their lives. Be thankful for our own blessings and acknowledge them every day.
I have started living my life this way. Giving back all that I can give. Since then, I have started remembering things that I love and remembering who I aspire to be. I have not felt lost since that thought change. It is amazing how God created us to follow this way of life. Expect satisfying results when we give instead of wondering why we are not getting.
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