Sunday, January 10, 2010


I got my first letter from C yesterday. I smiled, laughed and teared up all at once. I now can imagine how it must have been in the olden days with no cell phones and the only form of communication was writing letters. I must say it was the best feeling to hear from him! Letters are so romantic and I can re-read them over and over again; not like a phone conversation where you can not replay it. I have been writing C everyday and I know he will find encouragement with them. I miss him dearly and I did not realize it would be this hard to be away from him. 2 weeks seems like an eternity apart and I still have 6 weeks to go.

It does put everything into perspective though. The difficult things in life always put a new perception on everything and life seems more vivid. Because it is clear to me now, being without him, that I have been taking him for granted with all the small things he did for me. When I cannot reach a bowl on the top shelf, I wonder how did I ever survive without him around? It is miraculous how God works that way. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is definitely an understatement!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it hard when he's gone? I always hate when C has his work seminars, even a few days seems like an eternity. Letter writing is a lost art!