Monday, April 6, 2009

My Straighter Smile Starts Today

Today I started wearing my invisalign braces. It has been so bizarre having something in my mouth all day. It is hard to pronounce correctly and I have been spraying people when I talk. Therefore I have been talking less, which has surprisingly helped me stay out of trouble with the dragon lady. By the way, trying to say something sarcastic, when one has a new lisp, comes across very funny and not effective whatsoever.

I have not been snacking because it is a pain (literally) to take them out and clean them just to eat something. However, I think they might be the best thing for me; considering I am trying to shed a few pounds before the wedding. Plus, I have an excuse to stay quiet and that way I stay more calm. I will make an update in a month to see the progression towards my new straighter smile!

Say Cheese!


Anonymous said...

How cool! Are you getting used to it yet?

Dragon Breath said...

Not really. It feels weird, but I will have a pretty smile so it is worth it.