Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Got A Job in This Economy... It's a Blessing!

I received a call on Tuesday notifying me I had a job offer. I was thrilled and very excited. I start Monday December 1st. So I can relax about bills piling up on C-Man and I.

To Celebrate tonight,C-Man took me out to see "Australia", starring Hugh Jackman (growl) and Nicole Kidman. I really loved this epic love story and adventure. It was well directed and had an amazing cast, who brought such magic to what Australia is about. I would highly recommend this film. Just be prepared because it is almost three hours long. I give this movie three stars out of four.

I still have not seen "Twilight", but I plan to see it and review the film on Friday. Stay tuned for that review. I am very excited about it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day tomorrow. I am thankful for my friends, family and good health.

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble

image credits include:


nest of posies said...

soooo glad you got a job! good for you!
omg! i totally want to see austrilla. but with 3 babes = no chance! i like your movie reviews. i will be keeping them in mind when things come up 'on demand' via our cable. not the same as the big screen, but close enough.
have a great thanksgiving.
good luck on monday!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job, yay! I'll have to email you to get the scoop!

We have not seen Australia yet, or Twilight. Twilight is tomorrow . . . I'm on book 3!!