Monday, November 3, 2008

Back Track of our week on the road

We are presently in Florida. We made it! To back track a little, on Friday, we finally bought some Rescue Remedy that our good friend Maegan suggested to give our kitty cats. The rescue remedy is for calming the kitties down which we desperately needed. It would be tough to sit in a cage all day wondering what is going on here.
To back track a little, our route across the USA went by faster than I thought it would. C-Man lead the way with his new GPS that was given to him by his dad & family. I received energy from a good friend of mine, Ronald McDonald. McDonald's had these Iced Coffees now and they are so good! I would have never made the last two days without the power of the golden arches. Thank you, Ronald!By the way, I recommend the Vanilla Flavored Iced Coffee. So very yummy! But there are other delicious flavors as well if Vanilla is not your pick. Another note: McDonald's was almost at every rest stop we passed by on our trip. Ronald is taking over the US!

I knew we were almost there when Dairy Queen started popping up everywhere too. C-Man loves Dairy Queen and Wendy's for their chocolate shakes and frostys. He had two frostys in one day! I think C-Man might have to watch his calories more closely in the south. Fried foods and sweets are everywhere where I come from.

We had trouble sleeping due to the kitties being wide awake during the night time. Considering they had slept all day and were squeezed into a little kitty traveler, I understood their burst of energy when we got to hotels. My favorite hotel we stayed at was the Holiday Inn Express. They had a great continental breakfast and they upgraded our room to a king size bed suite for free! Check it out:

We drove 850 miles on Saturday and a little over 700 on Sunday arriving at my sweet mamma's house at around 11:00pm. She was waiting up for us and gave us big hugs to say welcome home.

We walked into the guest room and there were flowers and a Welcome Home Card. My mom knows how to make people feel welcome. My mom's husband (aka Muscle Max), bought our kitties a scratching post with cat nip. I am so happy to be back to my original stomping grounds. The south is and will always be my home, but where ever C-Man goes is where I go. "Over and out, Spicy Chicken." Now to start our next adventure: organizing a wedding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the update of your week, wow, you've driven so many miles away already :(

I've been loving McDonald's iced vanilla sugar free coffee's for months now - how come we never went for a coffee break?!?!

I love the cute pic of the cats in their carrier, I can't imagine traveling with my Zoey-Cake = nightmare!

Glad you're home and safely there, miss you.