Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Journey to the Center of the Earth... kind of

We finally made it to the Canyon of Grand. C-Man was so excited! Hiking and outdoors stuff is his mecca. We decided to journey down into the canyon and that was the most amazing hike I have ever been on.

Our hike took us 3 miles down into the canyon. Our trail was called Kaibab hike. We walked down the canyon but still didn't even get 1/4 of the way down. It had spectacular views and some of the most amazing sights I have witnessed. It is definitely a wonder of the world. We even had a crow following us down the trail. C-Man speaks many animal languages and would talk crow to him or her. We are now back at our hotel in Williams, AZ where our kitties have been lounging all day. We plan to get up early and get on the road again in the morning. Stay tuned... same dragon channel....same dragon time tomorrow ish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks amazing! I'm loving these updates, so cool to follow along on your journey.

Happy Halloween to you both!