Sunday, December 20, 2009

My First EBay Catastrophe

I decided to cash in on some of my stuff by selling it on EBay. It was going well for awhile and I was getting the hang of shipping items and using paypal. I was very proud of myself for making extra holiday money, until I made my first screw up... Sigh. I went to the post office as usual and they all know me by name now, since I have been coming by every few days. However, the items I was sending out that day I had decided to package them when I got to the Post Office instead of doing it from home (my first mistake). Well there was a long line due to the holiday shipping season so i jumped in line (my second mistake). I should have gone to the priority mail corner of the office and took my time packaging my items and making sure everything was correct.

So I finally get to one of the clerks, Olivia, to check out. Her and I start chatting about the weather and how busy the office it etc. As I am talking to her, I am trying to stuff my items into the boxes and seal them up. I had previously printed out the customers addresses and had them in my hand. Olivia told me to hand the addresses over to her as we continued to gab and giggle. People in the line were getting irritated due to me not being ready ahead of time. I understood that and I felt all the eyes staring at me. I started to hand the addresses to Olivia and I fumbled with them causing them to fall to the floor. I had the addresses in order coordinating with the boxes. And they fell every way except in order of course. I then cursed out loud and beads of sweat popped up all over my brow.

"What now?" I thought to myself. Well I should have just taken my lumps and returned home to get the addresses re-organized, but I didn't (BIG mistake #3). I tried to remember which box was which and started taping addresses on. Olivia helped me as people in the line continued to snicker and sigh impatiently. Olivia asked if I was okay because my perspiration and flushed demeanor. I said that I was even though that was a lie. I thanked her and left. One person started clapping and as I was passing him I said, "Merry Christmas, to you too, Buddy!" I agree that I deserved it though.

The aftermath of the mishap: I only received two emails from people saying they had received the wrong items. That is miraculous because there were about 8 boxes! Luckily the two men who had been shipped the wrong items were very nice and not cursing me for making such a mistake. Also I was lucky that I was only dealing with one switch-a-roo, which could have resulted in way more due to the volume of boxes originally. I just asked them to mail each other the items to make it all correct and I will reimburse them for shipping.

So to all EBayers out there: "Have your stuff organized before you get to the Post Office!" Period. Why our we all in such a hurry anyways? Life is too short and it is not worth it. Take your time and life is better... this is true with most things, not just EBay.

Happy Holiday Shipping to all!

image credit:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yikes, sounds like a nightmare! So glad it was just the one switcher-roo and easily fixed.

Good for you for selling your stuff on ebay, I need to get back into that!